The objective of the Feasibility Study (FS) is to evaluate clean-up options and technologies to address remaining contamination that must be remediated within the Nevada Environmental Response Trust (NERT) Remedial Investigation (RI) Study Area. This analysis occurs prior to the selection of a final remedy to address contamination that must be remediated originating from the NERT Site within the three OUs. Each remedial action alternative applicable to the contaminants associated with former manufacturing operations at the NERT Site is compared against a number of performance goals called Remedial Action Objectives and Nevada and federal environmental regulations.
As part of the FS process, the Trust is conducting a number of treatability and pilot studies to assess various treatment technologies to be considered in the FS evaluation and determine the best cleanup method(s) for the final remedy. Each of NERT’s treatability and pilot studies is outlined below.
Findings from the RI, running scenarios using NERT’s groundwater flow and transport model, and the results of the various treatability and pilot studies will be used in the FS evaluations. It is expected that two FS reports will be prepared for the NERT RI Study Area, one for OU-1 and OU-2 and one for OU-3. The FS for OU-1 and OU-2 will be performed in accordance with the Feasibility Study Work Plan for OU-1 and OU-2, Revision 1 (NDEP approved on October 20, 2023). Currently, the FS Report for OU-1 and OU-2 is anticipated to be submitted to NDEP in 2025, and the FS Report for OU-3 is anticipated to be submitted to NDEP in 2026.
Last Updated: March 2025